Spiritual Maturity: a Matter of Prostration, Process, and Promotion.
By Dick Williams
Dick Williams Ministries
Coming into our specific calling is essential to our highest fulfillment and God’s highest delight. To magnify the Lord in our hearts and minds results in true prosperity of soul and God‘s delight in seeing those who serve Him excel in life. (Psa. 35:27)
With this in mind, there are three components in cooperating with God. The first is to prostrate ourselves before Him to the best of our knowledge. This amounts to humbling ourselves under His mighty hand of grace (1Pe. 5:6) and offering the total package of our bodily being knowing God is merciful and absolutely non-abusive. (Rom.12:1-3) We do so in the faith that God will process us for promotion: the experience and expression of His glory in ever increasing measure. God is the rewarder of such faith. (Heb. 11:6)
In the awareness of His goodness and intent for our best we embrace His process. The blade of His word flashes, exposes, and severs the hackles of besetting sins and the haunting torment of our failed past. He energizes us with His power (Rom. 8:2) to forsake and walk away from those shattered chains .We will also experience the fellowship of His sufferings (Phil. 3:10) of feeling misunderstood ,disregarded ,and at times even despised yet knowing He is with us to empathize, (Heb. 2:18) comfort , (John 14:15-21) and deliver us.
(2Co. 1:10) These trials by fire will consume all superficial preoccupations and leave us with the passion to know Him and make Him known. Truly, our God is a consuming fire. (Heb. 12:29)
The ongoing and on growing result is refined faith, purified character, and the entrustment of ministerial power. We are elevated to perceive the excellence of His glory and radiate said glory through our lives given over to Him for this purpose. In these days of intense challenge and glorious opportunity the Holy Spirit is underscoring God’s call for us to proceed toward higher ground.
He that has called us is faithful to work in us and form in us the ability to arrive at ever progressing heights for radiating Jesus Christ. ” faithful is He who has called you who will also do it“ (1Thess. 5:14)
I saw His hand extended
From His heart of love and grace.
He called me to come under
To reach a higher place.
I sensed His voice of pure delight,
The sound of velvet thunder.
Knowing He would work in me
A manifested wonder.
Through miles of trials He summoned me
To make Him my fixation
To heed His call, give Him my all
And reap the revelation
Of his presence, oh such pleasure!
Such joy that is my strength
Aligned with Him to shine for Him,
My highest truest treasure!